Please use this form to register your child for the In-person or Virtual Community Good News Club after-school program.

The clubs meet on weekdays after school or designated hours by the school.

This year we currently have three clubs:


Clayton-Dekalb Virtual Club (4:30-5:45 pm)

Begins October 16, 2023


In Person Club (1 pm-2 pm) Clayton – Evangel Temple Christian School

Begins October 25, 2023


Uganda Virtual Club (9:00-10:00 am)

Begins October 13, 2023

Parents are also welcome to attend online with their child. For in person clubs, parents must obtain permission from the school to attend. (The virtual link will be emailed and or texted to the parent when the completed registration is received


street address, city, state and zip code.


street address, city, state and zip code.